Just my thoughts.....



As you always hear, "Life is too short," that is such an understatement nowadays! As we watch the news daily, we are seeing that Life is Too Short and definitely not promised! I say this to make sure you realize that death is not something that we can plan, therefore, live it to the fullest! Make sure that the choices you are making, are choices that are making you happy and that you live with No regrets! No matter what storms you have encountered, the outcome and final decisions are yours! You can choose to be happy regardless of what has happened! Do not allow your current or past trials to RAPE you of your now and your future! Let Love and Forgiveness help guide you through life and it's hurdles and enjoy the blessings that are in front of you on a daily basis! Please do not overlook the smallest things in your life because it could be the most simplest, yet BIGGEST blessing of all! Take care and remember, to know Who you are and What you stand for! Love yourself so that you can Love others! SMILE A LOT AND LAUGH MORE!


~ Linda Ngo~



(Please remember this is ONLY my OPINION and not marked in the book of facts! lol)

Do you remember as a kid, we used to fight about fairness? If we didn't get the same amount of anything and everything that our sibblings or friends got, we would throw a fit and scream, "That's not fair!"

Do you realize that as a young child, we learned a LIFE LESSON? What lesson? We learned that life was NOT fair!!

The funny part is, we as kids, learned that life wasn't fair, we fought or argued, won or lost, but either way, forgave and life moved on. As adults, we EXPECT life to be fair or go our way and when it doesn't, we throw the same tantrum and hold on to that grudge until we die! WOW!!! lol!

Be honest....how many times have you thought that it was unfair how people were just born into money, fame and fortune, yet they abuse it? Then we have our "crooks" who scheme, scam, rob and kill and they also seem to have what they need! Then you look at yourself and feel that you live by the book, treat people with the utmost respect, yet you live paycheck to paycheck. How do you look at that? ( tough question, I know! lol!)

It's kinda crazy, but you almost have to look at it like: Paycheck to Paycheck versus hustle to hustle with every single second of that life paranoid on WHEN they will get busted or killed! ANOTHER WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!

I know it's easy to wish you had someone else's life, but what you DON'T realize is that you don't know what they've been through or had to go through or what they are currently going thru to be where they are and to have what they have! On top of that, you might not have been equipped, spiritually, emotionally, or physically to fight the battle that they have fought!

I guess in short, we need to reflect on our "kid" days and remember how to forgive and move on!! I know it's not easy and it won't happen overnight, but you gotta start now!

Know that God has your life planned already and that what's meant to be WILL BE! Be proud of YOUR life and know that you are BLESSED no matter what it looks like RIGHT NOW. Know that your complaints could be someone's wishes. Don't take life for granted! What you are going through will be a waste if you don't realize the purpose or the lesson that you were suppose to receive! Live life to the fullest since it's not promised. Appreciate life, Respect the ones you love, Show the ones you love how much you love them and most of all, thank God for all that you have, both big and small, storms and victories! Live to Love and Love to Live! Live with no regrets and lots of smiles and even MORE LAUGHTER! lol!!

I just wanted to thank YOU for your time and appreciate your friendships!! Take care and be blessed!! Much love and respect to all!! Have a wonderful week ahead and remember that the answers to your prayers, may be looking at you in your face! (SO SMILE!! lol!) Don't let bitterness, envy, jealousy or hatred RAPE you of your future of happiness, love and joy that YOU deserve!

MUAH!!! LOL! :)

~Linda Ngo



Do you have friends or associates?
What is your definition of a good friend?
Are you a good friend?

Friendships are so important in life!  True friendships are relationships that are filled with unconditional love and loyalty, respect and value for one another.  In my opinion, a friend can tell you something that you need to hear, not what you want to hear, yet still respects and love you.
To be a good friend, you have to know how to listen and encourage, motivate and understand, be dependable and reliable and most of all, you have to find the positive in all the negative situations.
Friends give, as well as receive, but not give to receive.  A true friend, knows your biggest problem and will do whatever they need to do to fix it without any hesitations, nor expectations.
Don't do things for appreciation or attention because that is not an honest motive.  Do for other because you want to, not because it makes you look good!
You need to be SINCERE, TRUE and REAL!!
~ Linda Ngo
(*Again, this is only my opinion)

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